2020-04-29 THURSDAY the 30th
THURSDAY the 30th of APRIL
Barbell Option:
6 Rounds of the Following Superset:
8 Barbell Bent Over Row
25 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as Required Between Rounds
*Choose own weight for Bent Over Row
Non-Barbell Option:
6 Rounds of the Following Superset:
Max Reps Left Arm Bent Over Row
Max Reps Right Arm Bent Over Row
25 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as Required Between Rounds
*Choose own weight for Bent Over Row
*Record Load and Reps
Tabata Bicep Curl for Max Reps
*Single Arm Option: Use a medium to heavy DB or KB and swap arms each interval.
*Double Arm Options: Use an empty Barbell, light Band or 2 light DB’s/KB’s
AMRAP in 16mins of:
50m Farmers Carry
20 V-Ups
20m HS Walk
Farmer Carry Options:
Normal Farmer Carry: 2 DB’s or KB’s at the same weight.
Single Arm: Carry a single object, swap hands at halfway
Uneven Carry: A different object in each hand. Swap at halfway