2021-01-17 Fitness Option6 Rounds
Fitness Option
6 Rounds For Time
18/15 Cal Row (can bike as well)
8 Power Snatch 42.5kg/30kg
Fitness Option
Overhead Squat
EMOM for 5minutes
1 Squat Snatch
EMOM for 5minutes
2 Power Snatch
*increase the weight
Pause Overhead Squats
*2 second Pause at the bottom. Hold the same weight across all sets*
Skill Piece:
Chest to Rings
Chest to Bar
4 Rounds
12 Toes to KB
40 Turtles
20 Crunches
45 second Plank
‘Fortitude’-CompTrain Benchmark
Alternating Minutes for 15 Rounds
Even Minutes: 15/12 Calorie Row
Odd Minutes: 15 Burpees
**Takes 30 minutes**
1 REP = completed minute