2021-05-05 ***Oly Lifting Class
***Oly Lifting Class 6pm-7:30pm. All Welcome***
This is week 3 of the deadlift cycle. We are building the load gradually. Today the load will feel less than maximal - this is deliberate. Focus on correct form and posterior chain activation. If you do this, your technique will stay strong as the loads increase. The adaptations you make over the coming weeks will make your current 1RM feel easy when you reach that stage of the cycle.
Be patient and trust the process. It will pay off!
Fitness Option Metcon:
AMRAP in 12mins:
12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
9 Deadlift 60kg/42.5kg
6 Hang Power Clean 60kg/42.5kg
50 Double Unders
Fitness Option Strength:
@80% of 1RM
Split Leg Barbell Goodmorning
*Superset with 15 heavy band good mornings
@80% of 1RM
10 Rounds of:
1 Minute Max Calories on the Echo Bike
1 Minute Rest