2021-11-28 Strength12mins to find
12mins to find 1RM Back Squat
WOD: "Test"
EMOM for as long as possible:
Power Cleans
Lateral Burpees over the barbell
Weight: ♂︎ 52kg ♀︎ 35kg
Masters RXD:
♂︎ 42.5kg ♀︎ 30kg
1 rep of each in the first minute
2 reps of each in the second minute
3 reps of each in the third minute
Workout Intent:
To improve your cardio, endurance & stamina. This is a re-test from week 1 of the training block. Focus on calming your body and mind while you've got the opportunity to rest. As soon as you feel like you're not recovering that's your cue to dig deep and get a little further than you want to.