2019-02-14 Tomorrow is the
Tomorrow is the IN-HOUSE COMP. NO Saturday morning class or Swole Saturdays. Open Gym from 10:30am onwards.
Split Jerk
Weighted Pull Ups
4 x
10 double KB press
10 double KB bent over row
*90sec rest
*can use DBs if in between weights
Fitness Option:
Push or split jerk
Fitness Option Metcon:
5 rounds for time:
40 double unders
30 Russian twists 20lbs (14lbs)
20 Pull ups/ring rows
10 MB squat clean thruster 20lb1 (14lbs)
For time:
150 Wall balls 20lbs (14lbs)
*Every 90ec perform 4 deadball over shoulder 65kg (45kg)