2020-11-29 Fantastic work to
Fantastic work to all those who represented City 4051 Crossfit at the Bribie Tri! We have rope climbs tomorrow. Please remember your long socks.
Fitness Option:
AMRAP in 12mins
21 Cal Row
15 Weighted Lunges
9 Goblet Squats
Fitness Option:
Back Squat
Bulgarian Split Squats
*per side*
Back Squat 1x1
Back Squat for load:
#1: 1 rep
Skill Piece
Hip to Ring
*Take plenty of rest between sets*
5 rounds not for time
15 Banded Face Pulls (2second hold)
8 DB bent over row (per side)
*perform as a super set*
EMOM for 10mins
6 Cal Ski
Max Ring Muscle Ups in remaining time.