2021-08-04 ***Zoom Session 6pm
***Zoom Session 6pm Tonight - Metcon Only - Check athlete notes or City4051 Vikings Facebook Group for Meeting Link and Passcodes***
Every 5 Minutes for 4 Rounds Complete:
400m Ruck Run ~10kg/6kg
Int 1+3: 30 Lunges
Int 2 + 4: 20 Burpee Over Ruck/Object
*Interval 1 complete the 400m Ruck Run followed by 30 Lunges (15/side)
*Interval 2 complete the 400m Ruch Run followed by 20 Burpees Over Ruck/Object
*Interval 3 complete the 400m Ruck Run followed by 30 Lunges (15/side)
*Interval 2 complete the 400m Ruch Run followed by 20 Burpees Over Ruck/Object
Record your time for each interval
Ruck Run = a run with a loaded backpack (bags of flour, rice, text books, waterbottles etc.
Strength - Limited/No Equipment Option:
10-1 Reps For Time Of:
Bicycles (each side)
Single Leg Glute Bridge (Weighted)
Hollow Rocks
*Use any household object for the weighted Glute Bridge
Strength - Home Gym Option:
10-1 Reps For Time Of:
Strict Toes to Bar
Single Leg Glute Bridge (Weighted)
Hollow Rock
Every 2mins for 5 Rounds Complete:
3 Attempts for Max Distance Handstand Walk
*Perform on a 5m track.
*For added challenge do a pirouette and walk back at each end of the track
*Scaling = 2-5 x 'Around the Worlds' (See video in scaling track for demo)