2021-07-29 Gassy Finisher:Tabata For
Gassy Finisher:
Tabata For Max Reps Of:
Wall Walks
Burpee Onto Plate
DB Hang Power Clean Push Press 22.5kg/15kg
*For DB HPC PP do all 20sec on one arm before swapping to the other arm for the next 20sec.
Swole Finisher:
Tabata For Max Reps Of:
Deficit Push Up (20kg/10kg)
Band Pull Aparts
Band Tricep Push Down
*Tabata is 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec of rest repeated 8 times.
Bench Press
@75% of 1RM
With 12 Minutes On The Clock Find:
Bench Press 1RM
Snatch Pull
@105% of 1RM
Clean Pull
@105% of 1RM