2022-02-08 StrengthEvery 2 Minutes
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Rounds Complete:
6 Strict Press,
*Add 2.5-5kg from last week
70% of 1RM + 2.5-5kg
28-21-14-7 reps for time of: (18min CAP)
Handstand Push-ups
Medball Sit-ups
Alternating Hang DB Snatches
MB Weight: ♂︎ 20lb ♀︎ 14lb
DB Weight: ♂︎ 22.5kg ♀︎ 15kg
RX 3
Strict HSPU
Workout Intent:
To improve your muscular endurance. It might be a good idea to break up the first set of handstand push-ups into multiple sets so you can move more consistently through the set of 21 & 14. On the sit-ups think about the speed of your reps and try to make them as fast as possible.