2021-06-29 ***Check the Warm
***Check the Warm Up and Scaling tracks***
6 minutes of abs:
1 min Bicycles
1min H-ups
1min Hollow Rocks
1 min L Side Bridge
1 min R Side bridge
1 min Bicycles
Wednesday 30th At Home WOD:
Death By Burpee + DB Snatch 22.5kg/15kg
Rest 1 Minute
Death By Sit-up + Air Squat
Rest 1 Minute
Death by Strict HSPU/Clapping Push-up
Death By Explained:
Minute 1: Complete 1 Burpee + 1 DB Snatch. Minute 2: Complete 2 Burpees 2 DB Snatch
Continue adding 1 rep to each movement every minute until you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute. Rest 1 minute then move on to the next part.