2020-11-01 Workout Intent:Focus on
Workout Intent:
Focus on grip strength, reps and weight should be something that you can consistently keep moving through with short breaks. Then work on hitting a heavy single whilst under fatigue. The snatch can be power or squat
Heavier DB
Men: 25kg/27.5kg/30kg
Woman: 17.5kg/20kg/22.5kg
Snatch 1x1
Snatch for load:
#1: 1 rep
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 14mins
16 Single Arm DB Hang Snatch (8/side) 22.5kg/15kg
14 T2B
35 Double Unders
Skill Piece
Slow Lower Pull Up/C2B
Strict C2B/Strict Pull Up
3 Rounds
30 GHD sit-ups
30 Turtles
25 GHD sit-ups
30 turtles
20 GHD sit-ups
30 turtles
Snatch High Pull
*At 80% of 1RM*
EMOM for 6mins
2 Squat Snatch
*2 second pause on the way up at the knees*