2021-08-03 ***Zoom Session 6pm
***Zoom Session 6pm Tonight - Metcon Only - Check athlete notes or City4051 Vikings Facebook Group for Meeting Link and Passcodes***
No Equipment Meton:
AMRAP in 15mins of:
14 Burpee Air Squats
30 Sit-ups
14 Jump Overs
Limited Equipment Meton:
AMRAP in 15mins of:
7 LA DB/KB Bent Over Row
7 RA DB/KB Bent Over Row
14 Single Arm DB/KB Thruster (7/side)
30 Sit-ups
14 Jump Overs
Banded Bent Over Row/Pull Apart
Banded Thruster
Odd Object From Around The House
Limited/No Equipment Strength:
EMOM for 9 mins Complete:
1: Max Seconds Weighted Wall Sit (DB/KB/Loaded Back Pack/Bag of Rice/Other)
2: 10x weighted lunges (DB/KB/Loaded Back Pack/Bag of Rice/Other)
3: 10 Goblet Squats (DB/KB/Loaded Back Pack/Bag of Rice/Other)
Weighted Lunge - Jumping Lunge
Goblet Squat - Jumping Squat
Home Gym Metcon:
AMRAP in 15mins of:
7 Pull-ups
14 Thrusters 30kg/20kg
30 Sit-ups
7 Box Jumps 24”/20”
Home Gym Strength:
EMOM for 9 mins:
6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (3/side)
4 Thrusters
*Increase or Hold the weight across