2021-01-18 Workout Intent:OPEN WOD!
Workout Intent:
OPEN WOD! Always a good challenge. Aiming to get comfortable with pacing for large amounts of rounds. Pick a pace that you can hold throughout the entire 10 rounds. Pick a game plan that will allow you to rest as least as possible.
With a 25 minute clock
For Time
10 Rounds
9 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
35 Double Unders
*20 minute cut-off*
In the remaining time, find a 1RM thruster
Thruster 1x1
Thruster for load:
#1: 1 rep
Open 17.5
10 Rounds for time of:
• 9 Thrusters
• 35 Double Unders
Rx: M- 95 lbs / F 65 lbs.
Men use 65 lb. and perform single-unders
Women use 45 lb. and perform single-unders
Skill Piece:
EMOM for 8 minutes
1-8 HSPU
**Use normal scaling options**
Bent Over Row
**Barbell OR DB’s**
Push Jerk
Pausing Push Jerk
**2 second pause at the bottom of the dip**