2021-11-01 Fitness Option Metcon:AMRAP
Fitness Option Metcon:
AMRAP in 24 Minute Of:
300m Row
35 Double Unders
12 Power Clean and Push Jerks – 50kg/35kg
12 Push-Ups
EMOM For 24 Minutes Complete:
1 – 10 Ring Rows
2 – Max Handstand Hold
3 – 10 Dumbell Shoulder Press
4 – Max Plank Hold
*Record your options/hold times for each station in each of the text boxes below.
Negative Pull-ups
1 Negative Pull-up = 3 second hold @ top, 5 second slow lower.
*Done instead of the weighted pull-ups
Weighted Pull-Up
4 Sets of the Following Superset:
8 Incline Bench Press
30 Banded Pull Aparts