2022-02-23 LiftingEMOM for 10mins
EMOM for 10mins of:
1 Snatch
-Increasing weight
2 Rounds, each for time of: (17min CAP)
9-6-3 reps
Power Snatches
Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
Weight: 65% of 1RM Snatch
Box Height: ♂︎ 24" ♀︎ 20"
Competition Option:
♂︎ 30" ♀︎ 24"
Workout Intent:
To improve your power, speed and agility. Choose a weight that you can complete the reps in 2-3 sets. The goal is to move fast and efficient on both movements. The second round may be very different in terms of the speed and sets you do, and that's fine.