2022-04-20 LiftingEMOM for 7mins
EMOM for 7mins of:
1 Power Snatch
-Increasing weight
Partner WOD
For total time, alternating rounds with your partner: (22min CAP)
4 Rounds of:
10 Power Snatches (W1)
12 Bar-facing Burpees
5 Power Snatches (W1)
6 Bar-facing Burpees
Then, 4 Rounds of:
10 Power Snatches (W2)
12 Bar-facing Burpees
5 Power Snatches (W2)
6 Bar-facing Burpees
Weight 1: ♂︎ 50kg ♀︎ 35kg
Weight 2: ♂︎ 40kg ♀︎ 25kg
Masters RXD:
Weight 1 & 2: ♂︎ 42.5kg ♀︎ 30kg
Competition Option:
Weight 1: ♂︎ 60kg ♀︎ 42.5kg
Weight 2: ♂︎ 50kg ♀︎ 35kg
Workout Intent:
To improve your power and stamina. Aim to move as fast as you can through each of your rounds to earn your rest. This shouldn't be paced, the goal is to sprint.