2021-04-04 8am class ONLY.
8am class ONLY. Open Gym from 7:30am - 9:30am
In Pairs Continue as Far as Possible Up the Following Ladder in 18 mins:
3 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
3 Toes to Bar
6 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
6 Toes to Bar
9 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
9 Toes to Bar
12 Thrusters 42.5kg/30kg
12 Toes to Bar
*Person 1 completes the round of 3's then tags person 2. Person 2 then completes the round of 3's before tagging person 1 who then moves on to the round of 6's. Continue in this fashion for 18mins.