2021-11-02 Finisher:AMRAP In 6
AMRAP In 6 Minutes Of:
20 Alternating V-Ups
20 Turtles
20 Hollow Rocks
Using a Tabata Timer Complete For Time:
40-30-20-10 Reps Of:
Single Arm DB Hang Snatch – 22.5kg/15kg
Box Jump – 24"/20”
Tabata Timer = Work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 Seconds.
After every 20 seconds of work you will stop and have a 10 second rest. Once the 10 second rest is finished you will continue working from where you left off.
E.g. if you get 7 reps of the DB Hang Snatch done in the first 20 seconds of work, once the rest is completed you will start the next 20 second work interval from the 8th DB Hang Snatch.
5 Rounds For Time Of:
20 Burpees
50 Double Unders
35 Air Squats