2021-01-11 Welcome BackFitness Option:5
Welcome Back
Fitness Option:
5 Rounds For Time
16 KB Reverse Lunges
14 KB Goblet Squats
8 KB Box Step Ups
*Rest 30 seconds between Rounds*
Fitness Option:
Front Squat
3 Rounds NOT For Time
20/16 Cal Row OR Bike
8 xFront Foot Elevated Lunge (can add weight with a KB/DB/Barbell) /per leg
Max Reps Front Squat
at 70% of 1RM
**Record weight in Notes**
Front Pause Squat 4x4
Front Pause Squat for load:
#1: 4 reps
#2: 4 reps
#3: 4 reps
#4: 4 reps
**3 second Pause at the Bottom**
Skill Piece
EMOM for 8 minutes
1-10 HSPU
*pick the hardest option you are currently working on, can be kipping/strict/deficit, use the normal scaling options
DB SA Bent Over Row
Supersetted with:
15 Banded Pull A Parts
3 Position Snatch
*Pause for 3 seconds at: just below the knee, mid thigh, at the hip, this should be done at 30% to 40% of your 1RM*
Focus on bar path, aim to do this after the Class WOD if Possible