2020-06-28 Accessories:3 Sets of
3 Sets of the Following Superset
12 DB Pull Overs
12 DB Reverse Flies
For Time:
3 Rounds Of:
10 Thruster 42.5kg/30kg
10 Pull-ups
Rest 2 mins
3 Rounds Of:
8 Thrusters 50kg/35kg
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Rest 2 mins
3 Rounds:
6 Thrusters 60kg/42.5kg
6 Bar Muscle Ups
EMOM for 10mins:
Min 1: 4 Back Squat @ 70% 1RM
Min 2: 20m REALLY HEAVY Prowler Push
**Record squat weight, then prowler weight in notes**