2020-12-08 Workout Intent:Working on
Workout Intent:
Working on our grip strength today. You should be able to do the hang power cleans in two sets at most when fresh. The second weight should be able to be done in 3 sets when fresh. This weight it light than DT so scaling accordingly.
'Bye Bye Grip Part 2'
AMRAP in 8minutes
12 C2B
15 Hang Power Cleans 60kg/42.5kg
40 Double Unders
'Bye Bye Grip'
AMRAP in 8minutes
12 Pull Ups
15 Hang Power Cleans 50kg/35kg
40 Double Unders
Rest 3minutes
Skill Piece
RMU Transition Drill on low rings
80 Banded Pull Aparts
80 Banded Lat Pull Downs
*Break up however you like*
EMOM for 12mins
Min1: 20 Cal Row
Min2: 1 Power Clean
Min 3: REST
*Add weight to the power cleans*