2021-02-23 Part B:In Teams
Part B:
In Teams of 4 Complete 4 Rounds of the Following EMOM:
Min 1: Max Cal Row/Bike
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: Max Bar Facing Burpees
Min 4: Rest
*Score is the teams total Cals and Burpees added together.
Part A:
For Time:
30 DB Snatch 22.5kg/15kg
21 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
25 DB Snatch 22.5kg/15kg
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
20 DB Snatch 22.5kg/15kg
9 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
*15min Cut-Off
Snatch Balance
Bullet Proof Core:
3 Rounds:
200m Row
20 Renegade Rows
20 Bicycles
200m Row
20 Lateral Hip Thrust (10/side)
40m Single Arm KB Farmer Carry AHAP (20m/side)