2021-02-09 Workout IntentSomething completely
Workout Intent
Something completely different. This will be a fun but challenging PARTNER WOD. With a focus on our shoulder and leg endurance including stability. With built in rest periods aim to push the pace each rounds.
In Pairs One Person Working at a Time
3 Rounds Each
7 Burpee Box Overs 48”/40"
10m Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge 22.5kg/15kg
20 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs
10m Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge 22.5kg/15kg
7 Burpee Box Overs 48”/40"
Skill Piece
Hip To Bar
Hip to Ring
4 Rounds
15 Candle Sticks
18 Twisting Planks
21 V-Ups
Weighted Pull Up
*Max Reps Unweighted*
- Record reps in comments