2022-04-04 StrengthEvery 2 Minutes
Every 2 Minutes for 4 Rounds Complete:
3 Deadlift, 80%
Complete 3 sets (18min CAP)
9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee Box Jump Overs
-Rest 2-minutes between sets
Weight: ♂︎ 100kg ♀︎ 70kg
Box Height: ♂︎ 24" ♀︎ 20"
Masters RXD:
♂︎ 85kg ♀︎ 60kg
Competition Option:
♂︎ 125kg ♀︎ 80kg | ♂︎ 30" ♀︎ 24"
Workout Intent:
To improve your power output and stamina. The goal is to move fast and sprint through this workout without thinking too far ahead. Give it your best effort for each of the sets and focus on your breathing and lowering your heart rate in the rest breaks.