2020-12-20 Finisher:4 Rounds12 Seated
4 Rounds
12 Seated L-Sit leg Lifts
14 Toes to KB
16 Hollow Rocks
Workout Intent:
The aim is to Build on multiple movement endurance within an AMRAP. Pick a number on the RMU that you can do in 2 sets when fresh, if you spend too long trying to get the RMU out you will miss the stimulus of the workout. Aim to manage grip and shoulder fatigue throughout the WOD.
Men: 100kg/21 T2B
Woman: 70kg/21 T2B
AMRAP in 17mins
3 rounds
14 Deadlifts 80kg/50kg
3 Rounds
15 T2B
80 Double Unders
*No rest between the two different 3 round workouts, the entire thing is the AMRAP*
Skill Piece
Ring Support Hold
*Rest 20seconds between rounds*
5 rounds
Banded Face Pulls x20
Banded C2B Pull Ups Max Reps
*Rest 90seconds between rounds*
Split Jerk
EMOM for 6mins
2 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
Rest 2minutes