2022-04-17 Easter Class Times
Easter Class Times - Friday 15th 8am only, Saturday 16th 7:30am, Monday 18th 8am only
Every 2 Minutes For 5 Rounds Complete:
3 Thrusters
-Increasing weight
-Taken from the floor
Partner WOD
For Time:
2 Rounds of:
30 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
Then, 2 Rounds of:
30 Thrusters
30 CTB Pull-ups
-Share the reps as you like.
Weight: ♂︎ 45kg♀︎ 30kg
Masters RXD
♂︎ 30kg ♀︎ 20kg
Competition Option:
CTB Pull-ups then Bar Muscle-ups
Workout Intent:
To improve your cardio and muscular endurance. Aim to do small and fast sets so you both move through the workout more consistently.