2021-06-30 ***Check the Warm
***Check the Warm Up and Scaling tracks***
Equipment WOD:
21-15-9 Reps For Time Of:
Deadlift 92.5kg/62.5kg
Toes to Bar
*If you have the equipment available feel free to complete this as well as or instead of the 'At Home WOD'.
Equipment WOD:
@90% of your 1RM
Bodyweight Curtsy Lunge
In this technique you should focus on these cues:
1. Keep lead foot straight.
2. Weight is in lead heel.
3. Step back and behind the lead foot.
4. Focus on dialing the lead foot to keep the knee out.
5. The exercise is intended for the lead leg so keep 70-90% of your weight there.
6. Keep abs engaged and squeeze glutes at the top of the movement.
At Home WOD:
For Time:
3 rounds
400m Run
30 Med Ball/DB/KB Squat Cleans
2 Rounds
60 Sit Ups
20 Renegade Rows/Ring Rows/Bent Over Rows/Pull-ups
1 Round
50 DB/KB/MB Curtsy Lunges
This WOD is a repeat from the 8th of April 2020. Check to see if you completed this WOD and compare scores.
*RX Weights - 20lbs(14lb), 22.5kg/15kg
*DB/KB movements are written as single arm.