2022-04-07 WOD: "Regionals 12.4"For
WOD: "Regionals 12.4"
For time: (27min CAP)
50 Back Squats 50kg ♀︎ 35kg
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder to Overhead ♂︎ 50kg ♀︎ 35kg
50 Front Squats ♂︎ 35kg ♀︎ 25kg
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder to Overhead ♂︎ 35kg ♀︎ 25kg
50 Overhead Squats ♂︎ 20kg ♀︎ 15kg
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder to Overhead ♂︎ 20kg ♀︎ 15kg
Weight 1: ♂︎ 50kg ♀︎ 35kg
Weight 2: ♂︎ 35kg ♀︎ 25kg
Weight 3: ♂︎ 20kg ♀︎ 15kg
Masters RXD:
30 Squats & 30 Pull-ups
Competition Option:
Weight 1: ♂︎ 60kg♀︎ 43kg
Weight 2: ♂︎ 40kg ♀︎ 30kg
Weight 3: ♂︎ 30kg ♀︎ 20kg
Workout Intent:
To improve your endurance and stamina. Make sure you don't max out early in the workout, pace this one. Go by feel and chip away at the reps.